Saturday, January 05, 2008

Ruth's 8th Birthday Party

Today was the only day we could celebrate Ruth's b-day as I teach on the rest of the Saturdays this month. So within 4 days, Ruth and I pulled it off.

This is the "Pin the Tail on the Monkey" monkey I painted for Ruth as she didn't want the usual "Donkey". She was disappointed that the monkey wasn't brown, but she probably wasn't too surprised by her mother's color choices.
Ruth in front of the "Volcano" ice cream cake she requested.
Here are the houses the girls collaged. We used Martha Stewarts' favor boxes as a substraite (I found on sale at Micheal's). These houses are so much fun to make.
Musical chairs
Bobbing for Apples (the girls made me do it!)
Here they where looking at a tray to memorize the contents.
Happy Birthday Ruth

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